To add banners ads to your app, first you need to create an account with Google AdMob. Then, you'll setup the apps in AdMob account. They will give you Ad Unit IDs that you can put in your BV account.
IMPORTANT: It's best to wait until your app has been approved for Google Play or the App Store before you create your Ad Units. During the setup process, Google will ask if your app is already listed in the store, and if it's not, it may delay your approval.
- Go to Make sure you are signed into the Google account that you want to be associated with your ads.
- Complete the form and click the Start using AdMob
- Verify your phone number
- Google will show you a notice that they are going to review your info. You must enter your billing info to begin that process. Click Continue to AdMob
- Enter your billing info so Google can start the process of verifying your account. Click Payments and Add payments account
- After you've setup your payments profile, go to the Apps section and click "Add your first app"
- You should setup different Ad Unit IDs for iPhone and Android. Let's start with Android. Select the Platform and "Yes, the app is listed on a supported app store". Then, click Continue
- Search for your app. Once you find it, click Add. Then, click Continue
- Click Add app
- Google will want to verify your ownership of the app by having you put and an app-ads.txt file on your website. You must copy the text that they provide to you and save it in a file called app-ads.txt. Then, upload that file to your website so it's in the root directory. For more information about that process, here's the step-by-step guide provided by Google:
- After you have verified your app-ads.txt, you can setup your Ad Unit IDs. To start this process, go to the Ad units section under the App that you just created and click Get Started
- You can create Ad Units for Banners, Interstitial, and App Open ads. To get started, let's create our Ad Unit Ids for the Banners. Click Select
- Enter the name of the Ad unit (i.e. Main Banner). Leave Partner bidding unselected and keep the default options under Advanced Settings. Click Create ad unit
- Google will provide you with 2 IDs. The second one is the Ad Unit ID for this banner in this app (i.e. Android or iOS). Copy the second ID (Ad Unit ID) and paste it into the corresponding field in the Mobile App section of your BV Mobile Apps account. Click Update in your BV Mobile Apps account to save this value.
- Click Create another ad unit for your other app and Repeat Steps 12-14
Once you have completed all of the steps including entering your Payment information, verifying your app-ads.txt file, and adding your Ad Unit IDs in your BV account, it will take up to 48 hours for ads to start appearing in your app.
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